Back to factory settings. This is a little term we use to indicate there is only so much change our systems will allow before we are bumped back to our origins and how we are made. The scope of change we can accomplish is a matter of who we are at our core. There is…
From the Beginning
Whispers Logo
When it is time, it is time. There is no way I am going to delay this any further. I have acquired a Logo for Whispers. When you read the full novel you will know why this simple image couldn’t be more perfect, and why it will stay with you. Getting back to work in…
Inevitable Setbacks and Losses
We can not always see the setbacks and losses that will come our way. Not until it is too late sometimes. There are also times we may not be able to do anything to stop it. This willow tree in my back yard has been damaged beyond saving. Every one of its branches was snapped…
Building Bridges
There is a place inside, that connects learning with understanding. An unseen voice of quiet authority putting it all together until the Ah- Ha moment, the light bulb, the knowing. That is the connection. The moment your mind reaches out from both ends and makes a bridge. Seeking the answer, and then hearing the answer.…
Watch For The Way
January is winter in Michigan. Our average temperatures range from cold with snow, to cold without snow. The crisp white blanket we had for Christmas has gone, as are all the bright colors the season comes with. Everything is now brown, grey, black, white, or a smear of all four. The land has been frozen…
Tools of the Trade
There is no getting around the fact that you need the right tool for the job, whatever the job is. The more difficult or complex the task or problem, the more developed the tool should be. But what happens when the idea is beyond the known tools. That’s right, we step into the unknown, and…
Disorganized or Mad Genius
When I was younger, my clutter was a by-product of my “genius to be” status that I gave myself. It all made sense to me somehow, like a language that only I could read, my own code, and if anyone moved anything it would be lost. I have evolved, happily. I see that I just…
Calm in the Storm
This is the kind of image I hold in my head during meditation these days. It seems more appropriate to understand that life may always feel like it is pouring down on me. Yet, I can keep my calm in this storm. The everyday events that keep me from doing what I’d really rather be…
Fewer and Fewer Facts
The older I get the fewer facts there are. There are simply endless perspectives. This doesn’t do a lot to give us common ground, unless we see this as the commonality. If we do not try and take away someone else’s perspective, as we try and explain our own then we can both learn. We…
My Dessert are My Dreams
My priorities are scheduled, but I save my dreams for last. After I have fulfilled my duties and responsibilities, and a little more time on creating a splendid memory or two with my family. I give my dreams the end of the day. The things that are mine alone, because I am the only one…